Battery Storage

SAVE : Energy Earth Fossil Fuels Your Sanity Money Time

What do you really save with solar?

You can save energy & money with solar energy, and you can save earth climate with Green Energy. Save time, fossil fuels, save yourself the hassle of grid outages—with solar + battery storage you don’t have to choose.

Battery Storage


Battery storage is way to store energy that lets you use electricity even when it isn’t being made. 
For example, solar panels collect energy from the sun during the day and store it so that it can be used at night. 
The main reason to have battery storage is to make up for the fact that solar panels can’t make energy at night. 
At Elite Solar Installswe have wide range of energy storage products, from commercial to home battery storage.

What Do You Gain from Using Battery Storage?

Commercial Battery Storage

When you use solar panels and batteries to power your business, you can get rid of the chance of a power outage. When the second happens, businesses often have to stop running, which causes huge losses. But you can set up a battery storage system to provide backup power in case the power goes out. You can also choose battery storage solutions that don’t use solar panels. This works by storing electricity from the grid when it’s not busy, when it’s cheaper. For a business to be successful, the income must be much higher than the costs. Saving money on electricity costs is possible with commercial battery storage. Elite Solar Installs has solutions for commercial battery storage that can be changed to fit your needs.

Residential Battery Storage

If your home has been losing power because there isn’t enough solar energy, the solution is to store energy in batteries. Our team offers high-quality battery storage products for homes that let you use power without interruption. With our wide range of home energy storage options, you’ll have power around the clock, even when everyone else is complaining about power outages. Elite Solar Installs is a licensed battery storage installer with an elite team of experts ready to help you with your home battery storage needs.

Our home battery storage solutions are great because they can help you save money on your electricity bills. Those who have time-of-use rates can store electricity in batteries during off-peak hours when it is cheaper and use it during peak hours when it is more expensive. Also, if you use wind power, you can use batteries to store electricity when no one is using the grid.

Benefits of going solar


First, the PV, or photovoltaic, cells that cover solar panels take in the clean energy from the sun. What happens next is part science and part magic: tiny particles of light called photons break electrons free from their atoms. This makes a one-way flow of direct current, or DC, which is then changed into alternating current, or AC, which can be used to power homes and businesses.

Even though solar panels produce the most energy when they get direct sunlight, they still make a lot of clean energy on cloudy or rainy days. This is true even on cold, cloudy winter days. This is because solar panels use both visible and infrared light to make electricity that can be used. Even on the cloudiest, grayest, and wettest days, solar panels can still get light.

The question is whether you can afford to not do it. If you can pay your electric bill or, better yet, if you're sick of paying way too much for electricity, you can afford to go solar. So, yes, you can really afford to go solar. We guarantee!

No. Solar panels need to be in contact with either direct or indirect sunlight, which both contain the photons needed for photovoltaics, in order to make electricity. Even though the moon is very bright on clear nights, it doesn't have any photons, so it can't be used to make energy.

It's an easy choice. Whether you choose solar for your home or your business, you can save a lot. By going solar, you can protect yourself from the unpredictability of electricity rates that keep going up. A solar energy system can also raise the value of your home. No matter how you look at it, everyone wins.

We didn't think you'd ask! That's a great question, and we'll be happy to answer it once we know more about your home or business's energy needs. We want you to get in touch with us to find out how much money you can save. With almost a decade of experience, we've helped almost all of our customers get their electric bills down to zero. Clean energy is a real way to save money. If you pay for electricity, going solar can save you money. It's really that easy!

Solar has many environmental and health benefits, just like other clean, renewable energy sources. You are not only helping to cut down on pollution and climate change-causing greenhouse gas emissions, but you are also lowering the carbon footprint and environmental impact of your home or business. Every home or business is different, so we make a proposal just for you that takes into account your energy needs and how going solar will affect the environment. All of this helps keep the environment safe so that we can use it for years to come.

During a blackout, your solar energy system will also stop working. Because it is connected to the power grid, if the grid goes down, so will your solar energy system. This is done to keep utility workers and first responders from getting hurt by solar panels sending power to the grid. In South Florida, we can use the power grid as a battery (a process called "net-metering"), which lets us over-produce when there are more hours of sunlight. You get these credits throughout the year through your "reserve account" with a utility company like Florida Power & Light (FPL). Contact us if you want backup power, and we'll come up with a solution that works for you. Here, you can find more information about how to store batteries.

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