Elite Solar Installs

Residential and Commercial
Solar Energy Solutions

SAVE : Energy Earth Fossil Fuels Your Sanity Money Time

What do you really save with solar?

You can save energy & money with solar energy, and you can save earth climate with Green Energy. Save time, fossil fuels, save yourself the hassle of grid outages—with solar + battery storage you don’t have to choose.

Driving The Future of Sustainable Energy

At Elite Solar Installs Providers in Texas & Florida areas, we design and install customized solar energy systems for homes and businesses. We specialize in energy independence, fiscal responsibility, and a cleaner future. We appreciate the ease of use of photovoltaics. We service the Texas & Florida regions with solar installation and turnkey fulfillment. We design the systems, obtain the necessary permits, acquire the materials and equipment, and assemble everything. Call us immediately if you are in the market for a solar energy system.

High-Quality premium solar panels

25-year warranties

Award-winning service & dedicate support

Increased Home value

26% Federal ITC Tax Credit

No Subcontractors In-house staff, engineering, installers

App-based online system monitoring

Savings from day 1


Save money and become energy independent using the power of the sun. With solar panels on your home, you can free yourself from the utility companies and eliminate your monthly bill.

Your energy strategy is the key component when it comes to reducing utility costs, meeting sustainability goals, and improving the bottom line of your business.

With battery backup for your home or business, you can reduce your utility bills and have access to stored energy when you need it – even during a power outage. That’s what we call Energy Peace of Mind.

Five easy steps to go Solar.

We have an excellent staff of energy consultants who will design a solar system based on your energy requirements. Then, we will inform you of how much you can save by adopting solar. Finally, address any queries regarding solar energy. Painless, uncomplicated, straightforward, and free.cc

Once the project specifications have been agreed upon, our in-house engineer will organize a visit to your residence. During this phase, measurements and evaluations of the roofing system and electrical infrastructure are conducted. Finally, the system design of your solar system occurs.

Once system design plans are finalized, they are submitted for approval to the city or county building department. You are not required to take any action, since our in-house permit staff manages every step of the procedure.

On the day of installation, our in-house installation team will begin installing your solar system. After completion, we will assist you in submitting your net-metering application to the utility.

This is the finest part! Once your project has passed the final municipal inspection, the utility has installed a bi-directional meter, and “Permission to Operate” or PTO has been obtained, we will schedule your final walk-through. Your energy consultant will assist in the installation of your monitoring app, inspect the equipment, respond to any queries, and then activate your solar system!

How Does Solar Work.

Solar Discovery

In 1846, people discovered a means to begin harnessing this energy. When a few really intelligent and creative individuals found that selenium produced electricity when exposed to sunshine. Back then, technology was at best primitive, but it was nonetheless a game-changer. It demonstrated that sunlight can be converted to energy; the proverbial lightbulb moment.

How Does Solar Work?

It's really not that hard. First, the energy from the sun is soaked up by the photovoltaic, or PV, cells that cover our solar panels. The next thing that happens might look like magic, but it's all science. Photons, which are tiny bits of light, knock electrons out of their atoms. This makes a flow of direct current (DC), which is then changed into alternating current (AC), which can be used to power your home.

Where does all that Solar Energy go?

After meeting your home's energy demands, excess energy is returned to the utility system and credited to you. Thus, if your solar system generates more electricity than you need, the utility company will reduce your cost. In Texas & Florida "winter" months, you'll send more energy back to the grid as credits. The "winter" credits will offset summer bills. Net metering sweetens the deal. Nice, huh?

Benefits of going solar


First, the PV, or photovoltaic, cells that cover solar panels take in the clean energy from the sun. What happens next is part science and part magic: tiny particles of light called photons break electrons free from their atoms. This makes a one-way flow of direct current, or DC, which is then changed into alternating current, or AC, which can be used to power homes and businesses.

Even though solar panels produce the most energy when they get direct sunlight, they still make a lot of clean energy on cloudy or rainy days. This is true even on cold, cloudy winter days. This is because solar panels use both visible and infrared light to make electricity that can be used. Even on the cloudiest, grayest, and wettest days, solar panels can still get light.

The question is whether you can afford to not do it. If you can pay your electric bill or, better yet, if you're sick of paying way too much for electricity, you can afford to go solar. So, yes, you can really afford to go solar. We guarantee!

No. Solar panels need to be in contact with either direct or indirect sunlight, which both contain the photons needed for photovoltaics, in order to make electricity. Even though the moon is very bright on clear nights, it doesn't have any photons, so it can't be used to make energy.

It's an easy choice. Whether you choose solar for your home or your business, you can save a lot. By going solar, you can protect yourself from the unpredictability of electricity rates that keep going up. A solar energy system can also raise the value of your home. No matter how you look at it, everyone wins.

We didn't think you'd ask! That's a great question, and we'll be happy to answer it once we know more about your home or business's energy needs. We want you to get in touch with us to find out how much money you can save. With almost a decade of experience, we've helped almost all of our customers get their electric bills down to zero. Clean energy is a real way to save money. If you pay for electricity, going solar can save you money. It's really that easy!

Solar has many environmental and health benefits, just like other clean, renewable energy sources. You are not only helping to cut down on pollution and climate change-causing greenhouse gas emissions, but you are also lowering the carbon footprint and environmental impact of your home or business. Every home or business is different, so we make a proposal just for you that takes into account your energy needs and how going solar will affect the environment. All of this helps keep the environment safe so that we can use it for years to come.

During a blackout, your solar energy system will also stop working. Because it is connected to the power grid, if the grid goes down, so will your solar energy system. This is done to keep utility workers and first responders from getting hurt by solar panels sending power to the grid. In South Florida, we can use the power grid as a battery (a process called "net-metering"), which lets us over-produce when there are more hours of sunlight. You get these credits throughout the year through your "reserve account" with a utility company like Florida Power & Light (FPL). Contact us if you want backup power, and we'll come up with a solution that works for you. Here, you can find more information about how to store batteries.

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